What a summer it's been... My son worked his summer away at his first real job, my Mom has had a rough go of it with her chemo treatments, my Dad has been by her side the whole time, my guy has been gone all summer long, puppies came and went, and more.
My Son... School is going well for my son, if you can tell much by the third week of school. A Junior in high school this year, and he's already earning college credits with some of his classes. We're pretty excited about that! He tells me he can manage working and going to school, and promises his grades will not suffer. I have asked him to cut back his hours at work, he's only 16 years old. In Idaho, once you're 16, there are no limits on the number of hours worked or the time worked in a day. My wish is that he's home by 10 p.m., he's not made it here before midnight already twice this week. ARGH! He needs the job to support that old truck he bought (his Dad bought for him) last spring.
My Mom... Bless her heart. She had only two more chemo treatments left and was told she could not continue the treatments. She's developed a condition in her feet that has left her barely able to walk. If she continued with chemo, it's very possible she may have permanent damage to her feet. Radiation treatments started this week and is planned to continue for six weeks. She'll have to have another biopsy done later this week for new found lump. Will this ever end? I keep trying to tell her, and myself, she'll make it through this. These treatments are tough, but she'll make it through. God, I pray I'm right.
My Guy... Tonight, he's in hot and humid, Thomasville, Georgia. Today, he drove through what looked like a war zone; New Orleans, Gulfport and Biloxi via Interstate 10. The interstate was clear of all debris, but the devastation he described over the phone, of what he was witnessing from the cab of his truck, was unbelievable. He's happy to be doing his part in helping Katrina victims by delivering badly needed supplies. After almost two weeks of delivering in the south, he'll be heading west, for home. It'll be good to have him home.
Puppies... Our first litter of puppies came early this spring. Almost eight weeks later, we had our second litter of puppies. The puppies stay with us at least eight weeks before letting them go to their new homes, so I had puppies all spring and summer long. I loved it! They kept me busy and out of trouble. Sadie is one of Lucy's puppies we decided to keep, and she's doing great! I need to get a new photo of Sadie to share with you all. I'll work on that this weekend.
I've learned a new trick... I've been playing with hyperlinks, inserting them throughout my entry. I feel I need to multi-task here, and make sure I enter photos too. All words and no photos, hmm, not sure I like that. LOL The above photo is a rose from my yard... I wasn't thrilled with the original shot so played with my photo editor, and wa-la! I like it!