Yesterday, I went clothes shopping for my guy. I brought the store home to him, everything was on sale! He was able to try everything on and decide what he wanted to keep and what was going back, all in the comfort of our home. I had a blast shopping for him.
Today was my first day back at work after a long weekend. I worked all day then ran off to a pamper-myself appointment right after work. Now, how often does your hairdresser bring you a glass of wine while you're under the dryer? LOL Mine does! We have a great time.
Afterwards, I went clothes shopping just for me! Like yesterday, I bought quite a bit with the intentions of trying them on at home and returning those items I didn't really want. Fun, fun, fun! Gosh, tonight I spent alot at one store, got home, tried everything on, and decided the whole lot will go back tomorrow! I'm laughing, I feel rich again... All that money spent tonight will be mine again tomorrow! Compulsive or what? LOL

Not only do we have fog, we have ice! And my guy was sent, long haul driving, to Portland, OR, today. He's supposed to be back tomorrow night. Gosh! Talk about cutting it short! There isn't any time for weather problems. He had better make it back in time for our trip. I worry about him getting over the mountain passes between here and Oregon.
I can't believe I haven't booked our hotel yet! We have changed our minds a couple of different times about what we plan to do with our two days in Los Angeles after our cruise. With all the indecision, I haven't yet booked the room. I found a hotel on the marina in San Pedro, it looks really nice. And there's a Best Western that looks pretty good in Redondo Beach. I have reserved a rental car for after the cruise, so at least we'll be able to throw our luggage in the back and drive around to wherever we end up. I'm really not caring where we go, I just plan to have fun.