Thursday, October 09, 2008

New Profile Picture

I always have such a hard time with self portraits. Normally, I'm the one behind the camera so there's not many photos of me. Tonight, I had my hair french braided, looking for a curly look for tomorrow. We'll see how this turns out, lol. I haven't braided hair since my daughter was a young girl.


Monica said...

Your pretty. I've always loved french braids and had a roommate who would do that for me every morning - we worked at a nursing facility together. Anyway, are you going to post a photo of your hair tomorrow?


Astaryth said...

I never like any picture taken of me... probably why I like to -take- pictures. If your behind the camera you're not IN the picture! LOL! Note that my about me pic is... hmmm... my favorite horse, Boo!

Nancy said...

Your hair looks pretty...shows off that face of yours!


Trish said...

I just found you by exploring others that have moved over from AOL. I was going through your blog. Did all your photo's transfer over. I lost a lot of mine for some reason. I did use the aol add a photo option maybe that's why. Oh well. When I'm bored I will just add them..
Nice to meet you!

Unknown said...

Love the new picture! ~~K~~