Oh, I too, hate change. I mean, I will change if I have to, but even with things like dining out, I order pretty much the very same thing at most every restaurant I go to.
The truth of the matter is, I've been thinking about dumping AOL for a long, long time. They were very comfy, but enough is enough...
Recently, AOL developed this AIM program to do everything we were paying for, for free! This was pretty much a slap in the face. I've been paying good, hard earned, money for what they're now giving away for free! And now, this ad banner on our paid journals! It's the straw breaking this camel's back.
I've been with AOL forever... since 1994, back when I had to pay by the minute, plus long distant phone fees! I had tried them all, way back then, and AOL was the most user friendly program, in my opinion. I've made lots of friends, met lots of online people in person, and heck, I met MY GUY on AOL in January 1997! I will miss AOL...
The little tree that could.
2 months ago
1994? They had AOL back then? WOW!
well hey there. I've got you up and going in my bloglines so I won't miss an entry. Still have your other on alert - just in case.
I've been with AOL since 1995, so I know where you are coming from. Welcome to the neighborhood. :-)
So, when you make the complete break, don't forget to forward your new e-mail address to me.
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